Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Silly allergies.

Allergies make me feel sick and tired and I have a sporadic appetite. I am very very very very very hungry until I get some food, and then the very idea of eating sickens me. And the inside of my mouth tastes all funny. I'm thirsty all the time too. Aaaaand now I'm afraid I have diabetes or something. Thanks, parents. Thanks a BUNCH. Pfft, I just worry too much.

People are still disgustingly romantic and touchy-feely. Pfft, I don't mind it sometimes I suppose, but still! Here's the thing: there are arguments for and against both sides that I could make about the situation. And they're all pretty goddamn compelling, if you ask me. I'm not saying that it's appropriate to be a total downer and to say that nothing's ever going to happen and that life sucks and blah blah blah, but it's also not appropriate to assume that everything is absolutely perfect just like the movies ohmygawd! Just... shut up. That doesn't help. I'm certainly a bit of a cynic by nature (or so I hear...), but that doesn't mean I'm not right a lot of the time. And when I say a lot of the time, I mean all the time. Obviously. Of course, blatant threats (or, perhaps, "threats") don't help either, which reminds me as to why I used to be so picky about my friends. I still am, it's just that it's harder and harder to get rid of these people. I don't know, maybe I'm just going to start brushing people off. "Not now, I need to think." Funny thing is I really do need to think.

You're all the same, you're all the fucking same.

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