Friday, May 9, 2008

The future cannot come soon enough.

And I don't mean this weekend, either. This weekend is going to be me taking a diagnostic test, me sewing, me playing Ocarina of Time, and me driving. Fun? Yeah, but it's not going to solve any dilemmas, either. Well, okay, there's only one dilemma to solve, but it's a doozy. (Shush, I'm feeling "retro," also known as "ridiculous." Ain't no difference thar.)

I'm getting even more sick of, uh, pretty much everyone, which is probably what I get for befriending ridiculously over-romantic teenage girls. [I'm going to make a series of sweeping generalizations here because I'm grumpy, but don't think I mean it. Much. OH WAIT LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.] Something that nobody seems to understand is that life is not like a movie, and not everyone has a life comparable to yours. Just because in the movies everything works out perfectly and the good guys have a happily ever after with true love and everything doesn't mean it works like that in real life. If you take a leap of faith, you're quite likely to get screwed over. Don't encourage me in wishful thinking, because I can do that well enough on my own. If I need help in anything, it's in keeping myself grounded! I don't do that well! I naturally tend towards the romantic view of life, because... it's prettier, I suppose. I'm silly enough to think like that. It's really silly to just offer one point of view when it comes to that sort of thing. Maybe I'm just bad at having only one point of view. Hard to say. Also. Just because some people have lax parents doesn't mean that everyone else does There's really only so much I can do if I want to go to college. Or eat. Or see my friends outside of school. And since school's over in a month or less... yeah, no, I don't have much wiggle room at all. Sure, I'm working it, but don't make it more difficult for me by implying that if I just do whatever I want, things will work out fine. No, they won't. They haven't in the past, and they certainly won't in the future. Psh, not if I don't take care of things myself.

Um. Anyway. That wasn't a big fat ramble at all. What's really irritating is that I don't really have anyone I can bounce theories off've, mostly because either they're ridiculously romantic, they're really busy, or they seem quite uninterested. Overly romantic people are not liable to be helpful to me right now, I feel guilty bothering busy people, and I'm really not interested in trying to work out other people's motives right now. I'm busy with my new game. I probably ought to do something wacky like write out pretty much everything I know that's fact and everything I know that's speculation; then I can place everything into categories and formulate different ideas that will flow together to help me form some kind of plan. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I need a plan. He's not getting away. At the very least, we are going to be friends. If we're not already. Which, um, I think we are. O the MIRTH. More or less, I don't really meet that many people who I click with. Other people are more lucky in that sort of thing, but I like my people better. Quality over quantity...

Mmmm, theories. It just needs to be Monday already.

Oh MAN, why didn't I think of calling Rrita? I need to call Rrita and Gina. For serious, y'allz. Man o man, I missssssssssssssssssssss Rrita and Gina. I miss my COSMOS buddies. *whine* I don't know, they were just... better than the people here are. I hate to say it, but it's true. I don't actually hate to say it, of course, I just like pretending. Pfffffffffffft, no, but I miss having nerdy friends. It had to be said. And people who I can have discussions with who don't get all aggressive and defensive and crap. I have two or three friends like that here, but still. COSMOS was just totally different.


Caution said...

Let me imply something real quick.
If you just do whatever you want, things will work out fine.

Caution said...

"Sure, I'm working it, but don't make it more difficult for me by implying that if I just do whatever I want, things will work out fine. No, they won't." -you

"Let me imply something real quick.
If you just do whatever you want, things will work out fine." -me

I did exactly what you told me not to do. And you didn't catch the sarcasm. *sigh*

Caution said...

Also, I'm bleeding.
Just a random fun fact.

Caution said...

Generally when someone leaves a comment on a blog of mine, I go up and click the "Show Original Post" link, so I understand what the person's talking about before I respond. But maybe that's just me.

And I don't have a fucking clue what question you're talking about. Otherwise I'd answer it.

Backing up which points? Did I write a comment in my sleep that I'm not seeing right now, or are you talking about something entirely different that I don't even remember?

Wow, leave it to a teenage girl to blow a 3-lined comment that was meant to be sarcastic way out of proportion.

Oh, and trust me, the only reason that discussing anything with me retains even the smallest shred of being pleasant is because I don't say most of what I'm thinking. I could make it a whole lot less fun, if you really wanted.
Also, I seem to have noticed that you catch when people don't back up a point only when you disagree with them. Or at least that's the only time you attack them about it. Admittedly, I (and everyone else)have consistency slip-ups sometimes, but maybe you should try taking your blaming finger and turning it around once in a while. Ya know, just for shits 'n giggles.

Caution said...

You have too much time on your hands.

I'm not sure you're getting the whole "I was kidding" bit on that first comment.

Ahh. That's the question I thought you meant. As to the answer, see above statement.
And I'm not the one that decided to start arguing about something in a pointless manner here.

Please dig up examples. I'd like to hear them.
Yes, I treat people like shit. It's what I do. I thought we had established that already. No news to me.
Treating people like they're stupid?! Wow. Remember that blaming finger? Yes.
And I don't quite understand why you're attacking me for not accepting other people's differing opinions, when I could quite possibly quote you being just as bad, if not worse.
I accept people's opinions as legitimate. It doesn't mean I have to like them, agree with them, or hold them as sacred in my words and actions. Nobody does that for my opinions, why should I go out of my way for someone else?

Actually, I'm quite glad you've decided to pop out of nowhere and start attacking who I am for what seems like no reason at all. It's giving me a chance to out all the bottled-up feelings I have. Too bad I haven't done it yet. I should work on that sometime soon.

No, it wouldn't do you much good. But it would do me good, for sure.

I didn't ask why it's not fun.

And why should it be any different? I know what I want. Like I said before, I can accept other opinions as legitimate, but I will probably not like them, agree with them, or hold them as sacred unless I see it fit to do so. Why should I?

Fuck subtlety. Obviously it'll get you nowhere. Honestly I've been waiting for you to actually come out and say what you fucking thought for ages. I can die happy. Oooh.

Learning about other worlds is good. Though, it helps to be able to accept other people's opinions without starting to hate the people (oh, and not to mention treating them like they're completely unenlightened) because those opinions are different from yours. Just saying.

Have you not been reading any of these comments? I consider a few of your comments to be attacks. Personal attacks.
"Leave it to a teenage girl to be gratuitously cruel and inconsiderate of the fact that other people have differing opinions and feelings that are, in fact, sometimes valid." -hee, I just went and quoted you again.

Caution said...

Essential is good.

Apology accepted. I apologize too, for attacking you right back. I wasn't being fair. Remember what we keep talking about, how when people feel threatened, they go all animalistic and crazy? Yeah. I felt threatened, and I'm sure you did too.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I personally don't see how I've been treating you like you're worthless, but there's a pretty good chance that I'm either being a blind idiot, or I'm not just seeing it because I'm not intending for it to be that way. If I'm doing something wrong, I'm genuinely not seeing it as of now. So if I do something retarded, tell me, or I might not catch it. As good as I am at figuring people out (and subconsciously manipulating them based on what I find...whoops), I can't always tell when I actually hurt someone. So I'm sorry if I hurt you sometime recently, but I might need some help with catching it earlier in the future.

Seriously, give yourself some credit. Why would I not care?

Caution said...

Lettuce leaf the a tacking two the a tack dogs.

And no, the less obvious answer. *insert odd look here*

Ohh....okay then....because if I am doing something wrong, tell me. I'd kind of like to know.

Gah. The comment would've taken me like 15 minutes. Guess that's just my less-than-desirable typing skills.