Thursday, April 3, 2008

Senior Ditch Day

I may or may not be showing up for first period, and I'm probably not showing up for the rest of the day. It's all good.

I must say, I hate people who abuse animals. Nobody has to like animals. Some people just don't like animals, and you know what? That's not a problem. At all. (Okay, I also hate it when people say that everyone should love animals. Note my phrasing.) But you do not kick a sweet indoor house cat. Is it that hard to understand? That's at least as bad as kicking a two year old. At least two year olds have societal protection, for the most part, and animals can't defend themselves against humans that effectively. I don't think I'm that huge of a fan of humanity right now. So many people are completely self-absorbed, self-centered, and selfish. Obviously some degree is human and not at all a bad thing, but seriously, other living creatures have feelings and rights too. Is it that hard to understand? I mean, really now.

I've been listening to a rather obscene amount of Coil recently. Although I love everything I've heard by them, I naturally gravitate towards their first three CDs - Scatology, Horse Rotorvator, and Love's Secret Domain. Scatology is what I would consider the most "industrial" of the three - it's certainly the most spontaneous and alive. It's filled with unexpected, quirky, synthetic electronic noises. Horse Rotorvator is by turns bleak and beautiful, and frequently both. It's haunting, gripping, macabre, deranged, serene music. Perhaps that sounds contradictory, but I assure you, it's not. Love's Secret Domain hides its beauty behind disorganized, chaotic bursts of noise. Plus it sounds like a party! Seriously now, and who cares about anything if it doesn't sound like a party?

...someone buy me Transparent already. Man, I'm going to be broke when I get to buy my own money. It's going to involve "sure, I can spend $130 on a used CD that I already have all the song files for!" Shush, Horse Rotorvator is worth it.

Um. I really want this. Even though it's an LP. I don't care. Does logic play into this? No. Not even a little bit. It's beautiful. Bah, if only I had money. I also kind of want the absinthe release. I'm suddenly really angry that I was born too late to really know Coil when Jhonn Balance was still alive. I'm also really angry that their stuff is so goddamn hard to find. (A lot of good music is hard to find - Current 93, The Legendary Pink Dots, Throbbing Gristle, Psychic TV... yeah, the big-brand bands, whatever.) Oh well! We'll always have the memories.

Speaking of which, there is a difference between being curvy and fat. Curvy involves having your waist-to-hip ratio be about 0.7 or something like that. It actually has a definition. I definitely approve of destigmatizing obesity - how is it anyone's place to judge what weight people are? Yes, being obese is usually bad for your health. So is being severely underweight. It doesn't mean you should be able to comment on either extreme. Or anyone's weight. It's an easy trap to fall into (and I've done it before) but people frequently feel like they can freely comment on weight. Ugh. I think society would be a lot better off if everyone just stopped talking.

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