Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Girls are dreadful gossips.

And being interrogated is creepy.

I think people just irritate me, though. Minus about five people, who may or may not actually exist.

No, but seriously - it's disturbing that people would actually... discuss me, my personal habits, whatever. It's been mentioned by certain people before (often third parties), even along the lines of "so, some random person who you don't really talk to says that you do this. Do you?" That's just weird. Eh, I don't really know why, perhaps I'm overly private by nature? It's also odd when people say things such as "I noticed you do such-and-such when you're feeling such-and-such." I suppose I can understand noticing such behavior (it's rather hard not to!), but commenting on it? It's mostly odd when it's people I wouldn't expect to have any sort of emotional investment in my behavior do so. I don't particularly mind - in some people I'd say it's rather charming, though some people could do virtually anything and I'd still be quite beguiled - but it's rather... perplexing. I don't particularly think of myself as appearing interesting enough to be noticed by the majority of people, let alone discussed. Certainly I can be amusing when approached - amusing, sarcastic, whatever you'd prefer to think of it as - but I am quite reserved in the majority of my classes, simply because I don't like people. Perhaps I've underestimated my classmates in thinking that they don't particularly notice the quiet ones? I couldn't say.

Perhaps it's because I rarely derive any great amount of joy from gossip and the like. Idle chatter is pleasant enough, but not particularly interesting, and talking about people I barely know strikes me as being pointless.

Oh, people are so delightfully pretentious, aren't they? It's rather enjoyable to watch. What critical thinking? Quite a few people think they have excellent critical thinking skills when they don't. Rather, they don't seem to from my perspective. I personally wouldn't want to say that I have excellent critical thinking skills. I certainly know that I'm prone to swallowing lies whole if I don't watch out, which I sometimes do, sometimes don't. It's rather difficult for me - or anyone else, even - to independently assess their own skills.

Superiority is one thing when you can assume the position of power, but it's amusing to watch from the bottom when it's blatantly unwarranted. O, I expect I appear the same way, as does everyone. Don't they? Mm. I'm rather tired of all this... backlash against people who aren't accepting enough of people who are different from them. It does strike me as hypocrisy. It's just a different sort of hate. It's also virtually impossible to eradicate. Take two people with very strong, very opposing views, put them in a room, and they are going to clash. Frequently. Can they be friends? The thing is, if you have any sort of strong moral standpoint, you ARE going to believe that it is the correct way for others to live, and it's nearly impossible to not force it on other people. It's something I struggle with. It's something that may push me into being a hermit. Like calls to like, and I haven't met anyone who's substantially like me yet. People go to one extreme, people go to another, but why pick sides? Isn't it unnecessary? It's completely arbitrary to say "I have this opinion and this opinion only." But I suppose it works out well for them. Or perhaps I do have some sort of strong, ridiculous moral standpoint that I'm not aware of. Many people are aware of other people's shortcomings while completely glossing over their own. I'm quite sure I do the same in some way. It's human nature. I do think I would be happier if I didn't have other people. Other people bore me, other people annoy me, other people are idiots. It's hard to ignore. And yet I'm sure they think the same or worse of me! I don't see why I should care what others think of me. Other people are idiots. Certain people I can't have any sort of strong fondness for anymore because they're exactly what they claim not to be. It's hilarious, but not something to respect. And if I don't respect people, I will fuck with them, and that's really not something I ought to do. Just because I can do something doesn't mean I should have to. Perhaps I have free will, perhaps I don't, but isn't it more fun to pretend that I do? It's MY goddamn life, and I'll do as I please. I don't need these people holding me back. Someday I'll add to my collection, and it will be beautiful.

Your eyes are just scribbles, Jonathan. You don't need them. You're a liar, Jonathan. You're a fucking cocksucker, Jonathan.

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