Monday, March 31, 2008

And who shall I say is calling?

People these days have terrible taste in music. It's not even that that bothers me so much, though - it's the fact that these people don't even realize this. They all think "oh hey, I listen to the best bands on the planet! I'm totally cool, man," which would be fine if the bands mentioned weren't, say, Nine Inch Nails, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, or any other sort of bland, pointless, overrated pap. So fine, I'm judgmental. However, I'm right.

It would be one thing if people actually knew anything about music. But no, there are people out there who think that Nine Inch Nails broke a lot of musical ground and invented industrial music and all that stuff. You know, it takes about two minutes (if that) of searching the internet to find out that hey, guess what? THAT'S COMPLETELY WRONG. Nine Inch Nails is, at best, a toned-down version of, say, early Skinny Puppy.

More or less, it seems to me that people are getting lazy and complacent. No, not getting - are. This is really nothing new. Honestly, it makes me miss the days of classical music (yes, I'm one of those people), simply because classical music frequently has meaning as well as being attractive to the ear. It's not just pleasing. It's thought-provoking, it's unique, it's different. I don't think music has to be challenging to the ear, but it should be interesting for the mind as well as for the ear. People seem content to listen to the same old things that don't really mean anything, and that strikes me as depressing.

Not to read too much into this or anything. Doesn't mean I'm not right, though!


PS - A quote that I particularly liked: "Sometimes I hate you, but always I love you." It's something important to keep in mind, yes?

1 comment:

Caution said...


Word to the classical music.
I'm on a Chopin kick today.
But then again, when am I not on a Chopin kick? Good question.
A question which cannot be answered without the words "never" or "not" or "no" in it. Or any other negative.

And to be an obsessive responder-to-blogs like you know I am, I'm going to talk about the classical music and rant about my mother, all in the same breath.

My mom loooooves Mozart. She loves anything and everything of Mozart's, and she thinks that's super-cool or something. I have a problem with that, because Mozart's music is completely insipid, passionless and rigid. It brings thoughts of old ladies to mind. Maybe it's just me that thinks all this about his music.

But Chopin was a crazy beast who wrote some of the most beautiful, tear-jerking, soulful music in the history of humanity. Just saying.

I think I should write my own blog about classical music if I'm gonna go on this long.